Over 3400 Perl Modules in Shared Hosting
All of our Linux shared services feature more than 3400 Perl modules which you'll be able to benefit from as part of your CGI scripts or web-based applications. They contain both widely used and less popular ones, in order to provide you with different options in terms of what functions you will be able to add to your sites. A couple of examples are Apache::SOAP, CGI::Session, GD, Image::Magick, URI, LWP and a lot more. The full list can be found in the Server Information area of our in-house built Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, which comes with all of the shared accounts. In the same location, you can find the Perl version that we have as well as the path to the modules that you'll need to use inside your scripts so as to call a given module from the library.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With more than 3400 Perl modules pre-installed on our cloud website hosting platform, you will be able to run any script application created in this programming language without a problem regardless of the semi-dedicated server plan that you pick. This applies for both pre-made applications which you find online and for in-house built ones that you create. We provide such a multitude of modules for a couple of reasons - first, to give you a choice in respect to what functions you're able to add to your applications and sites and second, to make sure that when you would like to work with a ready script, it will run appropriately regardless of what modules it requires. That's why, most of the modules in our library are very popular whereas others are used very rarely. You'll find a list of all of the modules in your website hosting Control Panel in addition to the access path which your scripts need to use the modules.